What About It?

Who really cares what a couple of broke, ex-restaurant industry folk are eating for dinner every night? Well, we do! We are not only doing this to keep track of successful and delicious recipes, but also to keep an eye on what we're putting into our bodies each night. It happens to be an extra perk if a few other people stumble across our experiences and choose to follow along.

A lot of the food we cook is vegetarian and vegan. Once in awhile we get a bit carnivorous, but what we will try to do is specify what category these recipes fall under as we post them. We aren't about "counting" anything except the number of quality and healthy ingredients in the recipes we are sharing with you.

Because we already know a lot of the skills needed for the dishes we will be preparing, we will do our best to link you to the basics. If we get into anything too wild and crazy and leave you hanging, feel free to leave us a comment asking for some clarification!